If you are exhausted, frustrated, near the breaking point with your current practice ... YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 
Today's 63% Physician Burnout rate is the result

That's why we used our 12 year, 40,000 physician coaching and training experience to build the ...

Burnout Proof Online Workshop

A Comprehensive, Online, Video Training Library Where You Will Learn ... 
How to Recognize and Prevent Burnout <> Tools to Get Home Sooner
Build Life Balance <> Become the Eye of the Storm at Work
~ Build Your Ideal Practice ~

Every technique proven effective with hundreds of real doctors, in the real world of Post-COVID patient care. 

Learn All the Skills to Take Back Your Practice and Become BURNOUT PROOF

And earn 39 CME Credits.

*SALE* LIFETIME Access Only $125 =>

What are the Video Lessons like?


This video from the Workshop Introduction shows you the core conflict that causes Burnout. Notice it is only 3 minutes long and will show you a new way of understanding your practice and your job.

The Setup ...
Video Lesson Topics

Here's What Workshop Members are Saying:

  • I saw results very quickly. I get home on time now, with my charts all done.
  • The stress relief wasn’t confined to the office, it spilled over into my entire life. I have my sanity back. I am happy again.
  • The tools are easy to learn. I noticed an immediate increase in energy and being more purposeful at work. I worked on EHR efficiency and I get home on time now, with my charts all done.
  • The beauty of the program is the simplicity and that the stress relief steps can merge into a busy life almost effortlessly. The program is distilled down to manageable sections even I could find time for.

Get Started Now

Instant Access - Lifetime Benefits
Get the Tools to Protect Yourself from Burnout and build a more Ideal Job - Practice - Career - Life 

All the Video Trainings
6 Core Lessons
3 Complete Tool Libraries
- Get Home Sooner
- Build Life Balance
- Eye of the storm
Instant Impact: 75 single-tool videos less than 8 minutes long
All the Handouts, Checklists and Worksheets
The Guided Imagery Library
39 CME Credits <> Lifetime Access

*SALE* INSTANT Access Only $125 =>
Here's the Setup and a Way Forward ...

None of us learned how to deal with stress or recognize and prevent burnout in Med School or Residency. We learned the two prime directives - The Patient Comes First and Never Show Weakness.

But nothing about healthy boundaries, self care, saying "no" ... or the skills to get home sooner or build a balanced life. 

That leaves you at extreme risk for burnout - especially if you are an employee physician in today's volume driven practice.  

Without the tools to protect yourself, being a doctor is just like a construction worker without a hard hat or a driver without a seatbelt. The current 63% burnout prevalence shows just how often doctors are basically being injured on the job.

Let us show you how to become Burnout PROOF and Rebound on Four Different Levels: Take Back Your Job, Your Practice, Your Career and Your Life 

With this Comprehensive Online Video Library, you will learn proven tools to ...
~ Recognize and prevent burnout
~ Get home sooner
~ Build life balance
~ Become the Eye of the Storm at work - centered and calm no matter what
~ And always be building a more Ideal Practice
83 Videos, 6 Audios - 75 of them are less than 8 minutes long and teach you a single tool you can use right away - 31 Handouts and Checklists to max your learning and 37 CME Credits too

> Learn at Your Own Pace, In Private, on your computer or cell phone. Lessons are Video-On-Demand, available 24/7 via your computer, tablet or cell phone. 

> The Trainings are Short and On Point. Watch a 6 minute video, learn a tool you can use right now for immediate results.

> All tools were field-tested by thousands of our physician coaching clients over the last 10 years. We know they work in the real world of today's practice of medicine.

> Every tool works every time you use it. We built and tested each lesson with our physician coaching clients and honed the tools to be universally effective.

> A Permanent Upgrade in your ability to be a happy, healthy physician with fulfilling practice and a balanced life.

And You Can Earn up to 39 PRA Category 1 CME Credits

*SALE* LIFETIME Access Only $125 =>

Dike Drummond here. I am a family doctor, the CEO of TheHappyMD.com and the creator of the Burnout Proof Online Workshop Video Training Library

Since 2010, my sole professional focus has been helping physicians recognize and prevent burnout. As a coach, author, trainer and consultant I have worked with over 40,000 doctors and 175 organizations to date from our base on the web at TheHappyMD.com.

We have tested and refined hundreds of tools to lower stress and prevent burnout in physicians, honing them to be:

  • Easy to Learn
  • Easy to Use / Implement / Practice
  • With Benefits the First and Every Time You Use Them

We used to teach all this LIVE and IN-PERSON before the COVID curtain came down on LIVE Trainings in 2021.

We used the lockdown to create an expanded Video-on-Demand version of the Live Training adding in dozens more proven tools.

Now You are Standing on the Front Porch of the BURNOUT PROOF ONLINE WORKSHOP VIDEO LIBRARY

Here's what is Inside.

Workshop Videos:  Table of Contents

Six Core Lessons 

Teach how to recognize and prevent burnout and go further ... to become Burnout Proof. These videos are a little longer and have follow along handouts and journal questions to maximize your learning and retention.

1. Burnout Symptoms, Causes, Effects, Pathophysiology and Complications

2. Burnout's True Nature and Highest and Best Use

3. The 3-Step Ideal Job/Practice Generator

4. Your Personal Burnout Prevention Strategy

5. Weekly Power Half-Hour Life Balance Process

6. A simple check-in process to keep you Burnout Proof and On Purpose from now on

The Tools Libraries

3 collections of proven tools to build your Personal Burnout Prevention Strategy.

Build an EMR/Documentation Strategy
Run a Quality Team Huddle 
And an efficient Monthly Staff Meeting
Deal with "Broken Record Moments"
And much more.

Our Weekly Schedule HACK Process for Life Balance
Tools for a solid boundary between work and home
Date Night and Two-Week Vacation Secrets
And much more

Our evidence-based, single breath mindfulness tool that ensures you are a true Eye-of-the-Storm at work

The BONUS Lessons

Each of the Main Lessons is paired with 3 BONUS Lessons. Bonus Trainings are all less than 8 minutes long and teach a single tool you can put to immediate use. All of the tools work first time and every time you use them.

Bonus Lessons include:
~ When to stop and ask for help
How to reach out to a colleague in distress
What to do when a patient says thank you
The Plate Spinning Theory of Personal Development
How to DE-Commit when you are Over Committed
How to say "No" with elegance and grace
Work ON your job/practice, not just IN it
Gratitude and the Reverse Differential Diagnosis

More Client Feedback:

  • So much has changed. I have learned to let go of all the politics at work and to release my thoughts about patients when I come home. We even made a change in coverage so I now get to sleep through the night every day of the week.
  • These videos have been so awesome. Especially this last one. It really hit home.
  • Lots of new ideas and ways to reframe old ideas
  • Great ideas for me to help with my staff
  • Love the way they have helped me to identify the symptoms of burnout.
  • Very helpful, felt like we were in class with the instructor
*SALE* LIFETIME Access Only $125 =>

Guided Imagery Library

We include downloadable audio files of Guided Imagery you can listen to at your convenience

The Body Scan - whole body relaxation
The Magic Bubble - to hold your boundaries at work
The Lake, The Mountain, The Beach, The Garden:
Each a whole body experience of your favorite environment

Up To 39 CME Credits Available

~ The Workshop provides up to 37 CME Credits through the CME.fy system

Learning Accelerators

To maximize your learning and retention, we include 31 handouts, checklists, worksheets and journal questions.
Research shows that written notes and journal entries are the most effective forms of learning. Each lesson contains written materials you can download and save for future review. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Since there is no healthcare support resource like this, we can imagine you have some questions. Let's get you some answers.

Get Started Now

Instant Access - Lifetime Benefits
Get the Tools to Protect Yourself from Burnout and build a more Ideal Job - Practice - Career - Life 

All the Video Trainings
6 Core Lessons
3 Complete Tool Libraries
- Get Home Sooner
- Build Life Balance
- Eye of the storm
75 single-tool videos less than 8 min long for Instant Impact

The Handouts, Checklists and Worksheets
The Guided Imagery Library
39 CME Credits 
Lifetime Access

*SALE* LIFETIME Access Only $125 =>