PRE-LAUNCH SALE - Burnout Proof Online Workshop ~ SAVE 50%~


One Minute Mindfulness
Online Video Training for Physicians 

Evidence Based -- Short Video Lessons
Immediate Results
Up to 19 CME/CEU Credits

What participants are saying ... 
~ I learned how I could let go of all the worry with a breath no one else even notices.
~ I have a pause button. I can stop, collect myself and feel so much more at ease in the chaos around me. 

~ "Gives me peace of mind. clarity about what I love about my work" 
~ "I feel like a healer again" 
~ "Keeps giving me back time I would have normally wasted on worrying" 
 ~ "Always puts me in a better mood, even when things are tough at work, or at home" 
~ Your mindfulness curriculum has been the spark for something amazing for me
~ I started to see results within just a few days.
~ Now I use the squeegee breath in my everyday relationships and taught it to my staff and patients.
~ It always helps me calm down and be really present with the person in front of me at the moment.”

My name is Dike Drummond … and I am a Mayo trained family practice doctor, executive coach and CEO of I have over 3000 hours of one-on-one coaching experience with over-stressed doctors and have trained over 40,000 physicians to recognize and prevent burnout since 2011.

In this journey, we discovered and tested a single-breath tool for stress relief called the SqueeGee Breath. Turns out it is a true superpower and it works for everyone on the care team ... not just the doctors!

We call it EYE OF THE STORM, because it lets you be just that - cool, calm, focused, present - with a single breath no matter what is going on around you. 

It's the first tool I teach all my coaching clients, because it immediately eases the struggle and suffering of burnout - you can care for your patients without all the frustration, despair, overwhelm. You can get your work home without being so completely drained. 

That's not all.

This same simple SqueeGee Breath skill gives you the ability to be:

  • Much more present with your patients, colleagues and team members
  • Much more present with your spouse, family and loved ones

We make it easy for you to teach as well - so when people ask you "what has changed, you are different" you can teach them in just a minute or two

It is especially fun to teach to your children and those patients who are that mix of being a real challenge and on your short list of favorite patients at the same time - you know exactly who I am talking about.

You will also learn the latest in Habit Creation Science and exactly how to turn your SqueeGee breath into a solid daily habit in short order. 


  • You can learn the SqueeGee Breath today
    - in just five minutes with a video you can watch in private
  • Practice it today
    - as many times as you wish
  • For immediate benefit with each breath
    - pop  yourself out of the whirlwind of your job/practice into a whole different head space and energy level ... every time. 

AND the more you practice it, the better you get


The two most important skills to prevent burnout and put some satisfaction back in your job/practice are ...

1) The ability to recognize when you are distracted and stressed in real time - - as it is happening
2) Having a simple way to release frustration, anxiety and overwhelm in the moment -- and get back to the things you love about your patients, your practice, your family and your life.

When you know how to do these two things -- you really can become the "Eye of the Storm" in your practice day.

This skill is known as MINDFULNESS

Mindfulness is -- 
"Releasing thoughts and feelings that keep you from the present moment, without judgment - and giving the person or task at hand your undivided attention."

"Your mindfulness curriculum has been the spark for something amazing for me, and while believe it or not I am usually pretty staid and pessimistic, I have a hope for the future that hasn't existed in my life before now."   ~ J.N. MD

One Minute Mindfulness DOES NOT REQUIRE

- Hours of meditation practice
- Prolonged sitting cross legged on the floor
- Silent weekend retreats

AND this program is Research Proven to lower stress and prevent burnout in physicians. Our study with 24 volunteer physician showed significant improvements in stress, burnout and mindfulness for a full 16 weeks after starting this training. 


What Clients are Saying …

Peace of Mind
“I found myself overwhelmed by major change which I felt I had little control over and finding others negativity and game playing behaviors difficult. The squeegee breath gives me peace of mind. clarity about what I love about my work and knowing that I know how to identify it and find it and reward myself for finding it. So powerful it brings tears to my eyes typing this email! The changes were instant at one level, but I know that over time (5 months now) I am changing at a deeper more sustainable level.”

~ F.T. MD

Results in just a few days
“I learned how I could let go of all the worry with a breath no one else even notices. It was easy to learn the program with the videos and worksheets. I started to see results within just a few days. Now I use the squeegee breath in my everyday relationships and taught it to my staff and patients. It always helps me calm down and be really present with the person in front of me at the moment.”

~ S. J. MD

Given me back a sense of control in my life
“The program has given me back a sense of control in my life. It brought me back to being present with each of my patients. I feel like a healer again, not just someone who writes out prescriptions and makes referrals. I am still surprised that It doesn’t take any more time in my already packed work day; in fact it keeps giving me back time I would have normally wasted on worrying.”

~ J.K. DO

Feel as if I have a pause button
“The squeegee breath makes me feel as if I have a pause button. I can stop, collect myself and feel so much more at ease in the chaos around me. It always puts me in a better mood, even when things are tough at work, or at home. The bite size chunks at my own pace works great and knowing the whole program is evidence based really matters to me as well.”

~ F.D. MD

How very easy it is to regain focus
“One Minute Mindfulness has made it possible to take myself and my emotions out of play and turn my full attention to my patients and coworkers and my own needs. I was surprised how very easy it is to regain focus – even when there are many distractions and people demanding attention. When my staff saw me doing it, they started doing it too. And if I forget – and look like I need it, they remind me.”
~ Sandi C. D.O.



Benefits of the One Minute Mindfulness Program

=> One Minute Mindfulness online training has been field-tested with real physicians in the front lines of clinical practice. It works with real doctors in the real world of patient care. I have used it successfully in my own life as a family practice doctor, father, executive coach — and with hundreds of over-stressed doctors in my coaching practice. And it works for every other member of the care team, no matter what letters you have after your name - NP's, PA's, nurses, MA's, Receptionists, any of the techs - RT / PT / Speech, pharmacy techs, EMT's, dispatchers ... anyone who has anything to do with patient care will benefit. 

=> Research proven effectiveness. We recently completed a study of this program with 24 physician volunteers in the Multicare Health System in Tacoma, WA. We measured 16 scales of stress, burnout and mindfulness before and 8 weeks after the training. 13 of the 16 showed statistically significant positive changes. 

=> Online Video Training you can complete at your own pace. The videos are short and teach one skill at a time. Fits into even the busiest office or hospital day.

=> Simple to use - Immediate Results. Watch an 8 minute video, use the tool it teaches the next day in your practice and lower your stress level right there and then.

=> Up to 19 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for doctors, nurses, PA's, NP's, pharmacists and dentists

=> The Entire System for Only $97

=> Release stress and relax in less than one minute using an activity you already do every day. In fact you are doing it right now … as you read this sentence. The basic breathing technique of the program (called a “SqueeGee Breath”) actually takes less than ten seconds. It wipes you clean of the stress you are carrying in that moment by a simple and very powerful focusing process.

To anyone around you it looks like just a deep breath or a sigh. And you don’t need to take time out for a yoga class, sit in meditation or do anything more than you already do in your busy days.

=> Works no matter what type of stress you are feeling – work, relationships, parenting, school, money. The One Minute Mindfulness Program was developed to help you deal with the stresses of being a physician AND that means it will work with any other kinds of stressful events too. Let’s face it, there is no such thing as a bad time to be the eye of the storm.

=> Get ahead of your stress and actually prevent it by making relaxing and letting go a regular daily habit. You will learn the latest tools of habit creation science to make stress relief something you do early and often – every day.

=> Fits easily into even the busiest office or O.R. day. When you practice the One Minute Mindfulness Program it is invisible to those around you and takes no extra time to implement.

=> End the struggle of only just surviving your work days. Once you learn how to take much of the stress out of your work days, you will naturally begin to focus more on what you really want in your practice and your life. This is very different than your normal focus on avoiding what you don’t want. Your new stress relief skills are what make this big switch from Surviving to Thriving possible. You will notice a real improvement in the quality of your life when you make the switch to thriving too



How the Program Works

8 brief video lessons you watch from your computer or mobile device – the longest is 11 minutes – specifically designed for busy doctors. The videos are quick, focused and always available on the training website for the One Minute Mindfulness Program. They teach the program’s powerful stress relief tools that take less than a minute to practice even in the middle of the busiest office day. AND you can get started right away – less than five minutes from right now.

Lesson One – you learn how to release any amount of stress using a single conscious “SqueeGee Breath”. You receive step-by-step instructions and audio files to help you practice. You will learn how to use horse lips and elephant arms to let your body lead you to even deeper levels of relaxation … all in a single breath.

Lesson Two – you learn how to prevent stress from building up in the first place with a technique from some of the most recent research in habit creation science called a SuperHabit Trigger.

Lesson Three – use the Treasure Hunt process to step out of survival mode at work. Learn how to find more ideal patient encounters in every week.

Lesson Four – your Mindfulness Playground. Four short mindfulness audios that lead through brief sitting and walking meditation exercises ... even a quick chair yoga routine. 

Lesson Five – the BIG 180. Learn three skills to make sure you are always getting more of what you really want in your life ... at work and at home. Stop always focusing on problems and the things that are going wrong. Learn to shift your awareness 180 degrees and see the good things first.

Lesson Six – The Boundary Ritual. Learn how to take your white coat off at the end of the day and come all the way home from work. You can't recharge when you are still thinking about the office or hospital. Here's how you build an off switch on your work role so coming home is an authentic opportunity to recharge.

Bonus Lesson - A complete training on exactly how mindfulness works in your consciousness. You will understand mindfulness and its stress relieving power on a whole new level.

Bonus Lesson - The End of Your Beginning. A complete outline of recommended next steps if you wish to deepen your practice of mindfulness or teach these skills to friends, family members and colleagues.

But wait, there's more ... 

=> Instant online access to the lessons, worldwide, 24/7.
The videos are kept in a members-only training website. You receive a username and password via email. When you log in you have full access to all the training materials and bonuses. No waiting for a package in the mail – all you need for the program is an internet connection. Learn and practice any time you wish and get started immediately.

=> You get immediate access to the training site and all future updates.
Your one time investment secures you a full access pass to the training site with all the video coaching lessons, downloadable audios and worksheets. 

=> Downloadable audio practice files and guided meditations let you relax anywhere, any time. You can upload these MP3 audio files to any portable device — your cell phone, iPhone, iPad or iPod to listen and practice whenever you wish.

=> Up to 19 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

=> No need to spend thousands of dollars attending a class in meditation or mindfulness. No plane ticket or hotel to sit in silence for a weekend. With practice you will develop a rich and powerful ability to relax and become more intentional and mindful in your days, without ever having to sit in lotus position.

=> The program pays for itself the first time you use it and goes on to produce a permanent upgrade in your ability to release, relax, stop your stress and start getting more of what you really want in your life.

Your Full Access Pass to the One Minute Mindfulness Program is only $97 

=> The 8 online video training modules
=> All the downloadable audio practice files
=> Up to 19 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
=> Stress Relief Immediately. Get started in minutes

It’s time to complete your medical education.

Time to learn how to release the stresses of being a doctor and become calm and centered — no matter what’s going on around you.


I look forward to helping you learn this simple, powerful stress relief process designed specifically for practicing doctors.

You can release, relax and remain centered and calm – the Eye of the Storm – no matter what is going on in your day. AND you can get started just minutes from right now.

Keep breathing and I will see you soon on the inside.



 Dike Drummond MD
 Creator of the One Minute Mindfulness Program

 Questions? Use this form to get your answers. 

Remember …

Instant Access to the One Minute Mindfulness Program and its eight video modules, handouts, training audio files and up to 19 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

All this for only $97